Whistle-Blowing Policy
Advancer Global Limited (the “Company” and together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) has adopted a Whistle-Blowing Policy (the “Policy”) to provide a platform for its employees and all stakeholders of the Company, such as suppliers, customers, and contractors to raise any concerns (without fear of reprisal and in confidence) they may have on any possible fraud, misconduct, improprieties, malpractice or wrongdoing in matters of financial reporting and other matters that may adversely affect the Group.
Possible fraud or other improprieties include, but are not limited to the following:
- Theft of any Group’s assets including intellectual property;
- Forgery or alteration of any document, for example, cheques, promissory notes, invoices, credit notes, payment voucher and securities;
- Any irregularity in the handling or reporting of money transactions, for example falsifying expense claims;
- Any reimbursement of expenses that are not made for the exclusive benefit of the Group;
- Destruction or removal of records, data or other properties;
- Disclosing confidential information to outside parties without authority;
- Receiving bribes or commission from outside parties, for example, receiving “reward” from a supplier for awarding a contract to that supplier;
- Misrepresentation of information on documents;
- Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, or any other assets;
- Authorising or receiving payments for goods not received or services not performed;
- Unauthorised use, misuse or damage of Group’s property, equipment, materials or records;
- Failure to comply with laws and regulations as well as accounting standards;
- Discrimination on the basis of gender, race or disabilities; and
- Harassment.
Reporting Channels and Mechanisms
Whistle-blowers may use any of the available communication channels stated below to report their concerns.
Hotline: +65 6665 3855
Lim Chong Huat
Independent Non-Executive Director
Audit Committee Chairman
Lim Chong Huat
Independent Non-Executive Director
Audit Committee Chairman
135 Jurong Gateway Road
Singapore 600135
To enable the Company to have all information for effective investigation and evaluation, the following information should be provided, where possible:
- Name(s) of person(s)/company(ies) involved;
- Date and time of incident;
- Frequency of occurrence of the incident;
- Value of any money or assets involved;
- Evidence (if any);
Any other information that may substantiate the concern or complaint;
We encourage whistle-blowers to put their names to the allegations in case further information or clarification is required. All concerns or possible improprieties raised will be treated with confidence and every effort will be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout the process. The Company will do its best to protect whistle-blower’s identity when he/she raises a concern and do not want his/her identity to be disclosed.
Response by the Company
Our Audit Committee Chairman has the responsibility for determining how the reports will be dealt with and convene an investigation team (if necessary) to conduct investigation of the reported cases, or suspected improprieties within a reasonable timeframe.
An objective and impartial investigation shall be conducted regardless of position, title, length of service or relationship with the Company or any party who might be or becomes involves in or becomes/is the subject of such investigation.